Tuesday, January 25, 2011

KnowMads - Tom Pepe - Cup a Tea - PositiviTy!

KnowMads - Tom Pepe - Cup a Tea - PositiviTy! 

Nothing wrong with a lil party track now and then.

1 comment:

  1. I got an awesome video of Knowmads performing “What We Do To Survive” at the Vera Project Japan Relief show on 4/30 from the Vera videographer here http://youtu.be/kouCDaHq4xM, or better still if you have a fat internet pipe use the high def one: http://youtu.be/kouCDaHq4xM?hd=1 – it’s an instant classic!

    They were nice enough to give me an interview (it sure helps being a Seattle local!) which I posted here: http://virtualsoundnw.blogspot.com/2011/05/interview-with-knowmads-mcs-tom-wilson.html

    They were tossing free Cup a Tea CDs to the crowd at the 4-30 Japan Benefit show at the Vera Project, I got my copy!
